Advanced Search Capabilities and Analytics
For Telegram

Telemetry provides the most comprehensive and impactful Telegram insights for you and your team.

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Our ultimate goal

Data from Telegram is often the missing piece of the puzzle for many. We want to empower analysts, journalists, marketers and people of all stripes to harness ethically-sourced and public data from Telegram to protect themselves and their businesses while also equipping them to make the most of their business goals.

We aspire to design the most effective, efficient and affordable tool for searching, monitoring and analyzing data from Telegram. Since 2022, we've scraped over 1.49B messages and 1.07M channels.


Pinpoint key information within the vast amount of data available on Telegram quickly and affordably.


Track and analyze the activity and performance of a specific channel or keyword to enrich your analytics.


Use our API to search, monitor and discover Telegram messages and channels at-scale.

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